Mr. Akor Musa was born on 15th September 1980 in Ankpa Local Government, Kogi state. He attended Roman Catholic Primary school from 1983 to 1988 and proceeded to St Charles College Ankpa, Kogi State from 1988 to 1993 and later, graduated from the prestigious University of Abuja where he holds a Bachelor Degree of Science in Business Administration in Second class Lower Division. He was awarded outstanding award of Entrepreneurship consistently from 100 level to 400 level in the same university. This background has helped him enormously in Pharmaceutical and Petroleum Business before he joined the agency (NNMDA) in 2018.
He holds the position of Senior Admin Officer 1 at the Nigeria Natural Medicine Development Agency (NNMDA). He has contributed significantly in administrative and other functions assigned to him by the past Director General of the agency. He is equally involved in matters of procurement and logistics responsibilities within the agency.
With strong background in entrepreneurship, strong management ability and interpersonal skills, he believes if assigned responsibility in the area of procurement and store management he will greatly excel.