Aniefiok UDOH studied Computer Science at Yaba College of Technology and is a Member of the Nigeria Computer Society. Trained in System Networking, LAN Networking, and Windows Server 2000 at APTECH System Technologies (Victoria Island Centre) and Introduction and rudiment of Website Design at the Pan African University. I took part in the design of the Agency’s LAN and PABX Networking in the Agency. When the Agency started acquiring systems for all the offices, I was saddled with the responsibility of taking all staff basic computer appreciation, also the interns and Youth Corpers within the Agency during the period also benefited from this basic computer appreciation. I was the Agency’s pioneer Secretary of the Non-Academic Staff Union (NASU) and also one-time Chairman of the Union. A member of CTCS and once an Executive member of the Cooperative Society also. My hobbies include traveling, reading, networking, and learning new skills.