The Act of the National Assembly that formally established the Agency was passed on the 24th May, 2019 and assented to by President Muhammadu Buhari, GCFR and Commander-in-Chief of the Arm Forces and gazette on 20th December, 2019.
The Agency was established to enable Government through the Agency actualize critical and strategic mandate to research, develop, collate, document, preserve, conserve and promote the nation’s indigenous (traditional) healthcare systems, medication and non-medication healing arts, sciences and technologies and assist facilitate its integration into the Nation Health Care Delivery System as well as contribute to the nation’s wealth and job creation, socio-economic growth and development efforts.
To fulfill its critical and strategic mandate on training and capacity building of Traditional Medicine Practitioners, the Nigeria College of Natural Medicine was established in 1998, however, the college was suspended by the Ministry in 2003 to allow for the upgrading of facilities and obtain accreditation by the regulatory authorities. The importance of this school was further emphasized as one of the objectives of the Agency in number 6(q) of the Agency’s Establishment Act which mandated her to establish a School of Natural Medicine as its Training Arm.
The School is envisioned as an Innovative/Vocational Enterprise Institute. The aim of the college is to produce a critical mass of individuals that would harness the potentials of Natural Medicine (indigenous/traditional) knowledge to create jobs and wealth, thereby reducing unemployment, alleviating poverty in the country and reducing the burdens of diseases on our people.
In the light of the above, on the 23rd June, 2022, an accreditation inspection team from the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) and the Federal Ministry of Education visited the College for on the spot assessment of facilities and infrastructures. After the assessment, the inspection team expressed its satisfaction on the available facilities and recommended the resuscitation of the Nigeria College of Natural Medicine Technology (NICONMTECH). As a result of this recommendation, the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) granted approval for the takeoff of the Nigeria College of Natural Medicine Technology on the 19th August,2022.